No- but you can make a new reality, when you alter events. ‘Meddlers in Time’ explores the shaping of a parallel earth, by altering events in 9th century England.
A small band of time-traveling adventures recruit a specialist team, mainly of engineers and set about advancing 9th century technology. While doing this, they have to fight off invasions, win over the local population and have a bit of fun along the way.
Leaving Earth for a temporary base many light-years away, they train and prepare for the time jump back to the 9th century. Following the jump, they establish a stronghold and start making contact with the local inhabitants. Meanwhile, a more deadly mission is changing the political structure of this world.
As the tale unravels, the story of the time/space travel capabilities is revealed, along with some of the unexpected effects of using this technology.
Some were lured by money, other by the adventure- a few just wanted a new chance at life. One thing remains constant- time travel changes all who follow that path…
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